
Supple CSS | tools

Supple’s functions and mixins.

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Supple’s tools are categorised so you only need to @use the tools you want:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/space';
@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/responsive';

.your-module {
  @include'lap') {
    margin-inline-start: space.get('tiny');


This layer contains everything space related. You can @use this tool in your own component like this:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/space';

function: space.get()

Returns the spacing value converted to rem units. The $name must be present in defaults.$space-factors and will be multiplied by defaults.$baseline.


Name Description Type Default
$name name of space variable String ‘base’


.selector {
  margin-inline-start: space.get('tiny');
  margin-inline-end: space.get('large');
// with default settings becomes
.selector {
  margin-inline-start: 0.5rem;
  margin-inline-end: 3rem;

function: space.get-factor()

Returns the spacing-factor value. The $name must be present in defaults.$space-factors.


Name Description Type Default
$name name of space variable String ‘base’


.selector {
  margin-inline-start: calc(
    #{space.get-factor('small')} * #{defaults.$baseline}
// with default settings becomes
.selector {
  margin-inline-start: calc(2 * 8px);


This layer is used to convert any px value to rem. You can @use this tool in your own component like this:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/rem';

function: rem.convert()

Converts px values to rem. If you pass in another format instead of px it will gracefully return the original value.


Name Description Type Default
$value value to be converted to rem Number -


.selector {
  margin-block-start: rem.convert(24px);
  margin-block: rem.convert(24px 0.5vw);
  margin-inline: rem.convert(24px auto 12px 50%);
// with default settings becomes:
.selector {
  margin-block-start: 1.5rem;
  margin-block: 1.5rem 0.5vw;
  margin-inline: 1.5rem auto 0.75rem 50%;


This layer contains some accessibility helper mixins. You can @use this tool in your own component like this:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/a11y';

Mixin: a11y.visually-hidden

Hides an element visually while still allowing the content to be accessible to assistive technology, e.g. screen readers.


.selector {
  @include a11y.visually-hidden;
// becomes:
.selector {
  border: 0 !important;
  clip: rect(0 0 0 0) !important;
  clip-path: inset(50%) !important;
  block-size: 1px !important;
  margin: -1px !important;
  overflow: hidden !important;
  padding: 0 !important;
  position: absolute !important;
  white-space: nowrap !important;
  inline-size: 1px !important;


This layer contains all the functions & mixins regarding to typography. You can @use this tool in your own component like this:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/typography';

Mixin typography.font-size

Generates a rem font-size and a baseline-compatible unitless line-height from a pixel font-size value.


Name Description Type Default
$font-size font size in pixels Number -
$line-height line height, auto automatically sets lineheight based on $baseline any auto
$modifier numer of $baseline you want to top up on the line-height Number 0
$important sets important keyword Bool false


.selector {
  @include typography.font-size($font-size: 18px);
// add 2 lines of `$baseline`
.selector-modifier {
  @include typography.font-size($font-size: 18px, $modifier: +2);
// Self define line-height
.selector-line-height {
  @include typography.font-size($font-size: 18px, $line-height: 1);

// with default settings becomes:
.selector {
  font-size: 1.125rem;
  line-height: 1.7777777778; // 32px
.selector-modifier {
  font-size: 1.125rem;
  line-height: 2.6666666667; // 48px
.selector-line-height {
  font-size: 1.125rem;
  line-height: 1; // 18px


This layer contains all the tools for responsive web design. You can @use this tool in your own component like this:

@use 'node_modules/@supple-kit/supple-css/tools/responsive';

Mixin: responsive.color-scheme()

A little wrapper that lets you define your dark mode custom properties in a way that supports a toggle component.


:root {
  // Light theme colors
  --color-slate: #cccccc;

  @include responsive.color-scheme() {
    // Dark theme colors
    --color-slate: #000000;

You can create a toggle component which adds data-user-color-scheme="dark|light" to the HTML element to toggle modes manually.


Apply a media query defined in defaults.$queries.


.selector {
  @include'lap') {
    outline: 1px solid #ff0000;
// with default settings becomes:
@media (min-width: 40em) {
  .selector {
    margin-block-end: 0 !important;

function: responsive.lock()

Perfect smooth scaling between any 2 values over any viewport range. The property will start scaling and stop scaling exactly where you want.


Name Description Type Default
$size-min Minimum size in pixels Number 16px
$size-max Maximum size in pixels Number 20px
$min-bp Minimum breakpoint name String lap
$max-bp Minimum breakpoint name String desk


.selector {
  font-size: responsive.lock(18px, 24px);
// You can also redefine the min- and max breakpoints like this
.selector-defined-breakpoints {
  font-size: responsive.lock(20px, 30px, desk, wall);

// with default settings becomes:
.selector {
  font-size: clamp(1.125rem, 0.375rem + 1.875vw, 1.5rem);

.selector-defined-breakpoints {
  font-size: clamp(1.25rem, -0.625rem + 3.125vw, 1.875rem);


A little helper mixin to quickly create responsive variants of a certain selector. The mixin’s @content will be also applied to the parent selector.


Name Description Type Default
$queries list of breakpoints List -


$YOURMODULE-in-query: (lap, desk);
.your-selector {
  @include$YOURMODULE-in-query) {
    outline: 1px solid #ff0000;
// becomes:
@media (min-width: 40em) {
  .your-selector\@lap {
    outline: 1px solid #ff0000;
@media (min-width: 60em) {
  .your-selector\@desk {
    outline: 1px solid #ff0000;


Make sure you’ve installed/downloaded the Supple CSS library: Supple CSS installation

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